Adolescent & Youth Clinical Training for Suicide Prevention;
Screening & Management in Outpatient Settings
ACTS: Screening & Management in Outpatient Settings is an in-person training to increase the confidence and competence in the evaluation and management of youth and adolescent suicide risk for mental health professionals. If you would like to apply to participate in the training, please complete the application form below. Participants must have experience working with youth in mental health crisis under the age of 18. Participants must register by two weeks prior to desired training date to secure a spot in the training.
What are the training objectives?
- Identify the 5 clinical competencies for assessing and managing suicide risk in youth
- Name at least 3 theoretical approaches to understanding suicide
- Name the 5 characteristics of suicide
- Identity a therapeutic intervention for each characteristic
- Name 3 reasons for using self-report assessment tools
- Describe the 3 levels of risk in the clinical screening pathway for risk
- Identify appropriate therapeutic intervention for each risk level
- Identify the components of a safety plan
- Identify at least 3 ways parents/guardians can support youth
- Complete a best practice case documentation
Training Available
Check Back for More Trainings..Coming Soon!
Will CEUs be available for this training?
Six (6) social work continuing education hours (CEs) are provided by the Monmouth University School of Social Work in accordance with New Jersey Administrative Code 13:44G and are recognized by the New Jersey Board of Social Work Examiners.
The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide is currently providing Adolescent Clinical Training for Suicide Prevention (ACTS) in NJ.

Useful Links
- Parent/Caregiver’s Online Toolkit: Guide to Navigating Youth Behavioral Health
- 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
- FACTS – Warning Signs of Suicide
- Supporting People Through Grief and Trauma
- Racial Trauma and Race-Based Stress: A Webinar Series for Psychologists and Counselors
- Surviving and Thriving: Finding Your Own Path to Wisdom and Healing
- The Basics of Resilience
- Resilience Tips to Share With Parents
- Why You Should Stop Saying “Committed Suicide”