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The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide shares the concerns of several mental health counselors, experts in the field of suicidology, and fellow prevention organizations about the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. Unfortunately, the media tends to glamorize and sensationalize suicide. Glamorizing suicide has significant negative impact on children, adolescents, adults or anyone who is having suicidal thoughts. This is precisely why the media must be responsible and follow the safe messaging guidelines. We would like to take this opportunity to provide responsible articles and published, quality, resources for parents or anyone who is seeking guidance when talking to their teen loved ones regarding suicide. If teens are going to watch 13 Reasons Why, we need to utilize the experience by focusing on suicide prevention. Teens need to be reminded that 13RW is fictional. Teens should not be deterred from asking adults for help. Binge watching the series may increase the relatability and identification a viewer may have with characters and/or situations. Teen suicide prevention is conversation adults must be having with their teens. Prevention works. We recommend our video “Not My Kid: What Every Parent Should Know” on our website www.sptsusa.org.  This video is very well done and includes the most frequently asked questions parents have about teen suicide.

If you need further information, please feel free to contact us at 732-410-7900


Resource links

2nd Floor Youth Helpline of New Jersey-www.2ndfloor.org

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline-www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org

13RW Talking Points https://www.jedfoundation.org/13-reasons-why-talking-points




http://www.clinicalchildpsychology.org- Statement regarding 13 Reasons Why




The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number is 1-800-272-8255, an important resource if anyone may need to talk to someone after viewing 13 Reasons Why or at any other time.