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Jul 09, 2015

You Are Not Alone T-Shirt Teaser

"You Are Not Alone" Celebrity partners with the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide Recently, the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide was approached by someone you all may know wanting to design a limited edition shirt collection to benefit our organization - and we're hoping that you will LOVE what she came up with! In advance of the release of the designs, we wanted to provide our supporters with a first chance look…
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Oct 14, 2011

Singer/songwriter April Lockhart

These songs are written and performed by April Lockhart was born with a condition called uterine band syndrome, which left her with no left hand.  Although her parents tried to work with prosthetic doctors and specialists, April always resisted wearing a prosthetic arm. She always felt more comfortable using her God-given arm. As a young child, this brought challenges that most children never face, such as tying her shoes, getting dressed, typing, and playing certain…
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