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On September 30, 2011, 350 concerned citizens gathered together at the Michigan Bullying Prevention Summit to learn about effective practices in bullying and cyber bullying prevention. Maureen Underwood, a Licensed Social Worker and SPTS Clinical Director, was a featured presenter at this event.

Maureen presentation Youth Suicide Prevention: The Links with Bullying addressed the connection between bullying and suicide:

  • Provide information about youth at risk for suicide
  • Review rationale for school-based youth suicide prevention
  • Discuss simple, practical responses to at risk youth
  • Provide additional selected resources

She also discussed if bullying is a suicide risk factor?  What research tells us:

  • Connections between bullying and suicidal
  • Ideation
  • Bullying victims 2-9x more likely to report
  • Suicidal thoughts than non-bullied peers
  • Bullies at increased risk for suicidal behavior

We were honored to be a part of this event organized by the Michigan Elementary & Middle School Principals Association which was then featured on WLNS, Central Michigan’s CBS affiliated television station.