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Apr 17, 2019

Resilience Tips for Parents

You hear a lot these days about ‘helicopter’ or ‘snowplow’ parenting as a way to define parents who remove all the obstacles in their kids’ path to protect them from failure, disappointment – whatever. What you hear less about are ways in which parents can support their children from the sidelines and give them the space they need to fail at something. This will help them figure out, on their own, how to do things…
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Oct 31, 2018

Coach Awareness Series: Suicide Prevention is a Team Sport

When you’re a coach, you’re not just someone who provides your athletes with help and direction about their play. You often become a surrogate parent, a big brother or sister, a confidant- an important person in your players’ lives. The one thing all these roles have in common is that they demonstrate that the kids you coach trust you. So, whether or not you know it, your influence in their lives goes way beyond the…
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