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Apr 17, 2019

Resilience Tips for Parents

You hear a lot these days about ‘helicopter’ or ‘snowplow’ parenting as a way to define parents who remove all the obstacles in their kids’ path to protect them from failure, disappointment – whatever. What you hear less about are ways in which parents can support their children from the sidelines and give them the space they need to fail at something. This will help them figure out, on their own, how to do things…
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Aug 20, 2018

Open Letters to New College Freshman and Their Parents on Easily Transitioning to College Life

Dear Incoming College Freshman,           You are about to begin a new, scary chapter in your life, going to college. Now, some of you may be going far from home, while the rest of you felt it was best to stay nearby. Either way you are about to enter a new world full of, in simple word…craziness. In my personal experience, college could not come fast enough. I was done with…
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