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Jun 27, 2018

Achieving Holistic Wellness: Integrating Physical and Mental Health Awareness into Daily Life

As many of you may know, the stigma of mental health is a prominent issue in the field of suicideology. The stigma surrounding mental health may prevent individuals who may be at-risk for suicide to seek support from employers, school staff, family, friends, and especially a mental health professional. We are pleased to feature the following post written by Tara Chalakani, LPC, NCC, ACS, RN that magnifies the challenges of the stigma surrounding mental health…
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May 24, 2018

From Dorm Room to Bedroom: Tips for a Smoother Transition

As the end of the last semester of college comes to a close, many of us are expecting our college-aged young adults to return home for the summer months. Although we are grateful for the opportunity to spend more time with our children, young adults returning home for the summer can be stressful. I’d like to take this opportunity to offer some helpful tips for parents to assist in making the transition from dorm room…
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Mar 16, 2016

An Open Letter to the Stressed-Out Teenagers of the World

Dear high schoolers, These four years of your life are not quite like the movies. There isn’t that clique that wears pink every Wednesday. Most basketball teams don’t sing at practice. And I doubt that Saturday detention students form clubs in their spare time. High school is a totally different species now. Although there aren’t any Plastics or a Sharpay Evans roaming the halls, there’s something way worse controlling our high school lives: stress. There’s…
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